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2 bedroom property near Los Boliches

Price: €220,000 | TSEA4790923

Unique opportunity in the heart of Los Boliches! This 60m² commercial space is strategically located at street level, a few steps from the train station, banks and the municipal market, which guarantees a constant flow of potential customers. Previously used as a Cafe/Bar, this versatile space has two rooms, two bathrooms and a fully equipped kitchen, ideal for starting your hospitality business. In addition, it has a large showcase and smoke outlet, which makes it perfect for a cocktail bar or a cozy cafeteria. Don't miss this investment opportunity in an area with high traffic and excellent visibility!
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Beds : 2
Baths : 2
Habitable Size : 43 m2
Pool : No


Los Boliches

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 +34 951 516 905

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