
Spanish property specialists

What makes the Costa del Sol special?  The relaxed outdoor lifestyle, the year round sunshine and the incredible choice of villas, apartments and townhouses for sale.

With over 40 years combined experience, an unrivalled level of service and a deep-seated work ethic, we can help you secure the right property at the right price so all that’s left for you to do is to settle into your new life in the sun.   

Shall we talk?

Shirin Sharifi
Sales Director, The Spanish Estate Agent

Costa del Sol Property Collections

To get you to that perfect property a little more quickly, we have arranged popular searches into collections. Click on the images below to go straight to a pre-filtered selection of properties with special characteristics.

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Golf properties

Development properties

Sea view properties

Special Selection

Village and town houses


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Estate agents on the Costa del Sol

Embracing the Spanish Experience: Navigating Culture, Community, and Lifestyle

Moving to Spain presents an exhilarating opportunity to immerse oneself in a rich tapestry of culture, language, and lifestyle. As someone who has experienced multiple relocations within the span of a decade, it has become evident to me that embracing a new country requires an open-minded approach devoid of stereotypes and preconceptions. While initial impressions may be coloured by familiar narratives, it's essential to peel back the layers and engage with the local community on a deeper level. Spain, with its diverse regions and traditions, offers a kaleidoscope of experiences waiting to be discovered. From the fiery flamenco rhythms of Andalusia to the serene beauty of Catalonia's countryside, each corner of the country presents a unique perspective on life. Dive below thesurfaceand you’ll soonuncover the values and customs that shape daily life. Take the siesta for example; a cherished tradition born out of Spain's scorching summers. While it may initially seem perplexing to outsiders, the siesta reflects a pragmatic response to the midday heat, allowing for a pause in activity to recharge both body and mind. Similarly, the emphasis placed on lengthy, leisurely lunches underscores the importance of communal bonding and savouring the simple pleasures of life. Contrasting with the frenetic pace of some Western societies, Spain's approach to the work-life balance offers a refreshing perspective. Here, the pursuit of happiness often takes precedence over relentless career advancement, with individuals striving to strike a harmonious equilibrium between professional obligations and personal fulfilment. For those seeking respite from the relentless rat race, Spain's laid-back lifestyle holds immense appeal. Yet, amidst these cultural disparities, there exists a vibrant tapestry of expatriate communities catering to individuals from diverse backgrounds. Whether nestled along the sun-kissed shores of the Costa del Sol or within the bustling streets of Barcelona, these enclaves provide a familiar refuge for those yearning for the comforts of home. Through shared experiences and common bonds, expats forge connections that transcend geographical boundaries, creating a sense of belonging in an otherwise unfamiliar landscape. Ultimately, the Spanish experience is a journey of self-discovery, offering the freedom to carve out a path that aligns with your own aspirations and values. Whether immersing yourself in the rhythms of local life or finding your place within expatriate circles, Spain beckons with its promise of adventure, diversity, and boundless possibility.

Buying or selling property is life-changing. We get that, so we pride ourselves on our personal, supportive and professional service.

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